Hasn't the weather been marvellous? Well... mostly. Today it rained like the proverbial cats and dogs, but the weekend was kind to us and I managed to parade around in a summer dress! I know, how lovely.
I am (slowly) on the mend, which may be down to the sixty thousand pills I am taking on a thrice-daily basis. Possibly. It's not taken much effect as of yet, but we shall remain helpful; shan't we?! After all, without hope, we are hopeless. Uh, yes.
In lighter news, I have developed a revision timetable! Ooh-er, I hear you cry, Katie with her fancy ways! Fear not, my little spice-racks, I have not elevated myself above common-as-muck status at present, but I can see the gleaming, biro-scribbled, product of my efforts blue-tacked on the side of my bookcase from my now neatly-organised desk. Simple things, my friends, simple things.
In more interesting news (yes, there is such a thing), I purchased some iPod speakers yesterday from a charming young (and I mean, young. He made me look ancient) man yesterday. I spent apparent hours agonising over choices of sound quality, radio alarms, LCD displays and whether they had a funny dial you could play with - but I eventually decided. Money well spent. Or so I thought.
I returned home, tore them from the box and thrust the little silvery thing in wherever it was supposed to go. Nothing. Double-checked it was plugged in correctly. Nothing. All my delight at how neatly the speakers had been packaged evaporated like summer rain as I attempted to wriggle my iPod into what I hoped was a more suitable position.
Finally, life. No sound, but a flash of green - which, according to the 190 page instruction manual (7 pages of which are English and therefore of any use to me) means it is charging. So I waited. And waited some more.
Then, the flicker of life extinguished before my big brown eyes as if urinated on by a particularly vicious canine. At first, fury overtook me, then disappointment and finally frustration.
Fear not my loyal followers; all three of you will be satisfied to know I shall return tomorrow with a slightly peturbed frown and potentially a short skirt for speedier service.
Alternatively, you may be interested to know I plan to live and work in Sydney following Uni. :)
Best wishes my friends, keep hoping;
Katie :)
P.S. As GCSEs come increasingly closer, please expect me to blog more - sorry; less. Because of me avoiding - sorry, SORRY - increasing my revision and studying, there will be mor - less time for impor - inane internet ramblings. I look forward to it ;)
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